Friday, May 20, 2011

Embrace Your Dark Side

Bridgeport Cafe Negro

Oregon's oldest craft brewery is mixing caffeine with beer. A dangerous thing to do... remember the original Four Loko?  Once they banned that shit the company turned the back stock into ethanol. NOT KIDDING!  ETHANOL!  Well the folks at Bridgeport are more concerned about flavor than getting you drunk and obviously have no concern if their beer is sold at 7-11. 

Cafe Negro is a coffee infused porter and one thing the Alaskan Tasters definitely know is coffee.  We drink coffee roasted by Steve at the Green Coffee Bean Company.  In fact, the tasters gave a bottle of Cafe Negro to Steve last week and have not seen him since.

Color: Espresso
Odor: Burnt Malt
ABV: 5.5%

Not a heavy porter.  Nice smooth flavor.  Coffee taste is there but is not over powering.  We think this would pair well with a nice vanilla bean ice cream.  Or perhaps try it instead of Guinness in an Irish Car Bomb.  Also would be a great breakfast beer.

We know... another Bridgeport beer and another good review.  Sorry but them tree hugging hippies know how to craft good beer.


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