Friday, October 14, 2011



YES!  After two months of no posts, we are back... and we are back with ANOTHER review of a Jim Beam product.  It is like we are co-dependent.  The last beating was not enough so we are back for more. It is like we are having a dysfunctional relationship with ourselves.  As soon as we break it off with Jim, we are with Jack, Johnnie, Glen or Old Grandad but somewhere, deep down, we are still thinkingof Jim even though he leaves a bitter taster in our mouth.

Red Stag (by Jim Beam) is a 4 year old bourbon infused with "natural" flavors.  The "natural" flavor is prunus serotina (aka Black Cherry).  Black cherries are found predominantly in the eastern United States and central Mexico.  Yet you don't hear of mexicans sticking black cherries in their tequila. 

A 1 oz shot has 69 calories and no nutritional value.  Take a moment quietly chuckle to yourself.

ABV: 80 Proof
Odor:  Slight cough syrup odor.
Taste:  After a straight shot of 69 calories, we are feelling a bit burly and are obliged to try more.  Very sweet, like syrup.  We do not recommend for straight sipping or taking shots.  Next we will try it mixed with COCA COLA.  Still sweet and tastes like cherry coke cough medicine.  You know, if cough medicine tasted like this... it would be awesome.  Unfortunately it is not cough syrup and that sucks for Jim Beam. 


Our relationship has ended... again.

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