Friday, April 22, 2011


Shiner Spring Ale made by Spoetzl Brewery in Shiner, Texas. 

Ahh Texas!  Well maybe on a hot spring day in Texas Private Cowboy would enjoy this beer.  Just what in the Wide World of Sports is Dortumunder style?  After tasting, we really don't want to know.  Perhaps they copied they style of Natural Light but decided it needed a fancier name.

"There's Nothing FINER!  Than a springtime shiner!"

Well we beg to differ.  It is not a horrible beer but it lacks flavor.  This is a seasonal ale that is made in the winter.  Makes perfect sense if you are from Texas.  Why bother making a spring ale in spring?  So if you want to run to the liquor store to get a Shiner Spring Ale... too fucking late.  However, I am sure their winter lager should be released next week.

Color:  Yellow (like every Texan)
ABV: 5.5%

RATING: Winter time 3.0  Spring time 1.8

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