Friday, January 6, 2012



Drinking a beer from The Stone Brewing Company is almost as good as reading the diatribes on the back of their bottles. When you do both at the same time... DOUBLE GOOD!

"Ye Shall Know the Bastard, and the Bastard Shall Set You Free."

The double bastard is a seasonal specialty beer that comes in a giant bottle.  Three quarts and five point four ounces.  ABV: 10.5%  Not recommended for one bastard to drink all by themself... like that bastard Sam.  He opened his own bottle on New Year's Eve and that bastard drank it all himself.  Then the bastard got the spins and had to "lie down" around 11pm.  Fortunately the bastard rallied and was back up by midnight (for pizza rolls and fireworks).

The tasters thoroughly enjoyed the Double Bastard.  So much so that they did not take any notes.  All that is left is a big empty bottle.  BASTARDS!


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